Ashley Mariie Brown is a mama and boss x2! Ashley supports moms during the highs and the lows of motherhood and mompreneurship, and we are here to support it!
After experiencing postpartum depression first hand, she was able to overcome the deep woes of motherhood that many others experience. This is what she calls a postpartum conqueror :). Ashley now uses her platform to help other moms conquer their own battles with PPD.
That 6 week check up is never enough. Sometimes our healthcare providers do not always understand first hand. But Ashley does. And that is what makes her such a great resources for moms experiencing PPD. Utilize her instagram link to schedule a time to chat with Ashley and start your journey moving forward!
And when you get back on your feet, Ashley is also here to help you thrive! Lavish Solutions, Inc. is a business consultant company. Some of their services are helping with credit repair, establishing financial stability, helping gain access to funding to start a business, and more. Ashley helps you obtain a "lavish" life through financial gain.
If you or someone you know if suffering from postpartum depression and needs mom to mom support, reach out to Ashley! She will help guide you to overcome PPD. And when you recover and want a business venture of your own, hey just stay in touch with Ashley.
I have been in both positions. Suffering from PPD and starting my own business. Mom friends, mom help, mom support is everything. Details for Ashley's businesses and serviced below. Keep following Fiorente by Zane for more mama resources!