Kim Wilson MS, OTR/L, CLC, is one hardworking mama of six children and the owner of Nature's Path OT. Kim has a masters in Occupational Therapy, and is also a certified lactation counselor, CLC. Kim homeschools her children, using nature as a bridge for child development.
Through her years of working as an occupational therapist and being a mother, Kim has used outdoor spaces for therapy whenever possible. Seeing the benefit in this therapeutic approach, she opened the doors to Nature's Path OT. Her holistic and alternative approach to childhood development makes her such a unique and great resource for moms!
Nature's Path OT is located in areas of Colorado. If you are local to this area, there are many services available to you from Nature's Path. For the need of highly individualized OT, there is a 1:1 program. The developmental progression classes are mom/baby group classes formatted in nature to help your baby meet their milestones. As mentioned before, Kim is a CLC, and offers the Acorn to Oak program that focused on lactation and milestones. And for us moms struggling with our child's needs, Kim offers a parent coaching program. There is also a social skills group coming soon!
Nature's Path OT offers so many different avenues to bridge nature with your child's development. If you are not local to CO, you can still utilize Nature's Path OT to help your child experience nature as a learning and growing opportunity. On their site, they have resources they share and a blog with helpful information. If you choose to follow them on instagram, you will receive more insight to their therapy model and how to make it work for you.
If you follow us on our social media pages, I am sure you have seen my kids in the dirt, mud, sand, water, leaves in the hair, etc. There is never a clean moment around here. And I love it. I feel very align to what Kim offers through Nature's Path OT. I believe children are meant to be outside; to play, to learn, to explore, to challenge themselves. I have been on the fence about homeschooling though. Kim, you go girl with those 6 kids!
If you are looking to alternative, holistic ways for your child to grow and meet their developmental needs, look no further. Check out all Nature's Path's information below. Keep following Fiorente by Zane for more mama resources!