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Flourish Counseling & Co, Founded by Chelsey Bayles.

Flourish Counseling & Co

Chelsey is a new mama but long time boss. She is the creator and owner of Flourish Counseling & Co, which offers counseling and psychotherapy for individuals, teens and couples.

Chelsey is a Licensed Professional Counselors of Mental Health, LPMHC, in the state of Delaware and a licensed professional counselor in Pennsylvania. She has the experience of working with clients for 10 years in all diverse types of therapy. She offers in person therapy in the state of DE and telehealth in DE and PA.

Chelsey offers counseling in a wide variety of mental health disorders. This include postpartum anxiety and depression, which is what makes Chelsey such a great resource for moms. As mothers we are not exclusive to those disorders, women can suffer from many other mental health issues, which Chelsey can also help with. Flourish Counseling & Co also supports substance abuse counseling and faith based counseling.

One of the parts I appreciate the most about Flourish Counseling & Co is their sliding scale payment options. If your insurance is unable to cover your sessions, you pay out of pocket based on your income. Chelsey also offers a resource page on her site that give hotlines and information access for people that need immediate help.

I am so align with what Chelsey is doing. Did you know that Fiorente means flourish in Italian? And if you notice, we share the same color scheme, a little bit of the same design. Great minds think alike Chelsey! However, I do not have all the credentials and experience that Chelsey has to help mamas in need. That is why I created this brand. So boss mamas like Chelsey can be shared with our community and reach more moms that need support.

If you are local to the DE, PA area and are in need of a counselor, contact Chelsey to see if it is a good fit for you. Get the help you need from a fellow mother. All information for Flourish Counseling & Co listed below! And as always, follow Fiorente by Zane for more mama resources.


In-Person Services offered in DE

Telehealth Services offered in PA & DE

Hours: Mon-Tue: 10am-1pm & 4pm-9pm

Thur-Fri: 10am-1pm & 4pm-9pm

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